Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Water for Elephants

Hey Everyone!

Sorry this post introducing our newest book is a little late, but I have been crazy busy recently!

The newest book we have chosen is Water for Elephants by Sarah Gruen.

"Though he may not speak of them, the memories still dwell inside Jacob Jankowski's ninety-something-year-old. Memories of himself as a young man, tossed by fate onto a rickety train that was home to the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth. Memories of a world filled with freaks and clowns, with wonder and pain and anger and passion; a world with its own irrational rules, its own way of life, and its own way of death. The world of the circus: to Jacob it was both salvation and a living hell. Jacob was there because his luck had run out- orphaned and penniless, he had no direction until he landed on this locomotive "ship of fools." It was the early part of the Great Depression, and everyone in this third rate circus was lucky to have any job at all. Marlena, the star of the equestrian act, was there because she fell in love with the wrong man, a handsome circus boss with a wide mean streak. And Rosie the elephant was there because she was the great gray hope, the new act that was going to be the salvation of the circus; the only problem was, Rosie didn't have an act- in fact, she couldn't even follow instructions. The bond that grew among this unlikely trio was one of love and trust, and ultimately, it was their only hope for survival."

Our next meeting will be Friday March 4 at 7pm. Please email, call, text, or Facebook me if you would like to join us and need directions to the meeting! Happy reading everyone!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Safe Haven Review

Hello Readers! We had a super fantastic book club meeting last Friday discussing Nicholas Sparks' newest novel, Safe Haven and I cannot wait to share with you what we talked about! I will do my very best to remember who said what about everything and let you know their thoughts! (I took the notes this month, and I have to say that I did not do nearly as wonderful of a job as Joanna did last month!)

Present at the meeting were Alex, Amanda, Heather, Jean, Joanna, Lindsey, Melissa, Nikki and Shawna!

We started off by taking a poll on whether people liked the book or not. 6 girls loved it and 2 gave it an "ehhh" and one did not like the book.

The girls who did like the book said it was because it was suspenseful and not predictable. Some of the girls felt that the book hit close to home because they had friends in similar situations. Shawna said that she loves all Nicholas Sparks and loved that this book was no exception!

Joanna spoke up on behalf of those who did not care for the book and said that she felt that the main character had a weak personality and therefore she found it hard to relate to because she did not think she would ever be in that situation.

Here are some of the other topics discussed throughout the meeting:

Alex was impressed by the "plan" that Katie came up with and it left her wondering would I think of that? Though a lot of us thought we wouldn't be willing to go hungry the way she did upon leaving her marriage, eating only rice and beans. We thought that Erin, overall, had pretty low self esteem in order to get into that situation. Joanna and Lindsey pointed out that they both would have taken a serious step back on the honeymoon when Kevin hit Erin for the first time. Jean then noted that because of her childhood and relationship with her parents Erin did have very low self esteem and she was unlikely to stand-up for herself or to take a stand when things got dangerous. When we learned where she got her identity from, we were surprised to hear that she got it from the Feldman's. Lindsey said that when it was revealed that she got it from someone who trusted her she remembered thinking that she didn't have any friends. Jean was sad that Erin did not let the Feldman's know that she was safe after she had gotten away. As a group we pondered the thought that the Feldman's, who seemed to know about her struggles, would have let her have Katie's identity if they knew that it would help her escape. Nikki even joked that they could have set up a buffet; cheese, crackers, social security card, peanuts, cookies...

As the relationship between Erin and Kevin was revealed Amanda said it made her appreciate the current relationship she was in. When we discussed Erin staying with Kevin for as long as she did Joanna raised the question: why didn't she just kill him? She certainly had opportunity to poison his food or kill him in his sleep. Lindsey wondered if she did kill him would she be able to use a self defense claim? It said in the book that the police talked her out of pressing charges because Kevin was a cop, so if she did kill him would the police back her story or defend Kevin after his death, even if he was abusing his wife? The general consensus from the club was that the police would still defend Kevin and then Erin would be on the run for the rest of her life.

We discussed Alex as well as his relationship with Katie. We felt that the fact that Alex had gray hair was brought up too often, considering it actually had nothing to do with the plot. He could have just as easily had blond hair, brown hair, or purple hair. When we were reading about Katie's preparations for their first date we found her entire day to be quite unbelievable. (Mr. Sparks, we blame your male perspective for this!) As a group of women who have gone on first dates we can say without a shadow of a doubt that as a woman with that much on her plate for that day, there's no way she would have overslept! We also thought it was highly unlikely that she would have waited until that day to pick out her outfit! Nikki was certain that she would have had that outfit picked out and laid out on the bed long before that day. Katie spent her day shopping for new clothes, buying artwork for her house, and planning an elaborate menu that she then had to shop for. Once she got home, Katie decorated her home, made some preparations for the food, and HEMMED A NEW SKIRT. Because we would all just hem a skirt just before our first date with a guy we really like. Mr. Sparks, we can only assume from this description that you think all women are super heroes. While we are flattered by your assumption, we regret to inform you that you are incorrect and dare we say this is a very unrealistic view of how Katie would have spent the day of her first date. Though Joanna did like that Katie shopped at a thrift shop rather than a more expensive store.

But, why is there a first date anyway?

Joanna thought that the way Katie would sometimes cower at things people said could be perceived as off putting and wondered why Alex saw anything in her at all in the first place. Nikki countered this by pointing out that Alex had started to figure out Katie's past early on by her body language, etc., so he was expecting some of that kind of behavior from Katie. Amanda was disappointed that we did not get to see the relationship develop further before tragedy struck and that Alex and Katie never slept together. We thought that it was strange that Katie spent so little time at Alex's house, and noted that for sheer convenience it was likely that they would be spending more time at his house. When we discussed the argument that Katie and Alex had we were all very surprised that she would lash out at Alex and dare him to hit her. It showed that Katie was still defensive and does have very deep seated trust issues with men. In a sweeter moment between Alex and Katie, Heather liked the conversation they had about being a mother when Alex pointed out that she said she wanted to be mother after she had said she didn't want to have children, and Katie said "What's that got to do with it?"

When Kevin learns about Katie Feldman and as a result learns of the identity Erin assumed everyone was of course upset. Some were just heartbroken that Kevin was going to be able to find her again, while others thought that it was an "easy" way for him to find out. There was no real challenge to it and it was just a matter of luck. Alex, seconded by many others, was mad that she got a driver's license. Several people thought that she should not have taken such a risk while still running from her husband. Heather, however, pointed out that she wanted an identity, and getting the diver's license was a way for her to start building that new identity. In continuing along the lines of her identity, we also thought it was unfair of Katie to get so upset with Alex for wanting her to move on with him. She was very specific that she had left behind Erin and her old life, but then when he would try to talk about the future she would get upset and accuse him of not understanding that she was still the same person. We felt that if she was going to speak in such definitive terms when saying that she had moved on that she needed to pick a person to be, Erin or Katie, and either move on with her new life or delve into her past and figure what some of her issues in the past were.

Throughout Kevin's journey to and through Southport we were disturbed by the way he constantly quoted the Bible. Alex thought it was very hypocritical for him to be quoting the Bible and to be doing such terrible things but Nikki said that he didn't see it that way and it was a sickness that he had. In the end confrontation between Kevin, Erin and Alex we took a lot of issue.
When the house had been lit on fire Katie caught a glimpse of a portrait of Alex's deceased wife Carly. Since it was almost certain that everything would go up in flames Amanda, Jean, and Nikki thought she would save the portrait and were sad that she did not. Jean had envisioned Alex as a very manly man and was bothered by the way he was portrayed throughout the conflict. As a manly man we could not see why Alex would come in and just barrel through and crash his jeep. We thought he would fight Kevin and were very disappointed that he seemed to take such a non-confrontational response to the situation. We also thought that it was a unlikely that he would take his children to Katie's house, which was said to be over a mile from Alex's home, and then ride back to help her. Jean thought it was much more realistic that he would tell them to go hide across the road in the woods and not to come out until he told them to. Melissa also thought that Alex would have more of a hands on confrontation with Kevin but she thought, in true Nicholas Sparks tragic fashion, that Kevin would kill Alex and Katie would be left taking care of his children.

Perhaps the most surprising twist in the book was the relationship between Katie and Jo and what that actually turned out to be. Jean was very suspicious of Jo and thought that she was a spy sent from Kevin to watch Erin, while Lindsey figured out who she really was very early on, and Melissa thought the book was very predictable until the revelation about who Jo really was. It took Katie a while to learn the truth about Jo, though it was fitting that she figured it out right before reading the letter Carly left for her. And what were our thoughts on Carly's letter? Heather and Nikki thought that the letter was sweet and saw it as a way for Carly to leave her blessing behind for the woman who would ultimately take care of her husband and children, while Jean thought that it felt like someone telling her what to do, and she did not think it was something she would have reacted well to at all. Alex pointed out that we should remember this letter was actually written from a man's perspective and the issues which Jean had with the letter were probably things that a woman would write anyway.

In the end, when Katie and Alex were going through the remains of Alex's home, Heather liked that Alex apologized to Katie for the loss that she felt when Kevin died. Several people spoke out not agreeing with this, saying that Katie should be relieved and grateful that Kevin was out of his life, but Heather pointed out that for Katie, Kevin was really two different people and she was having trouble saying goodbye to her husband whom she loved and had many good memories with.

One other miscellaneous thought we had, as a group made up of mostly teachers, was that the children in this story spoke as though they were much older than they were supposed to be.

In the end, we took a poll to see what name we thought she would go by, Erin or Katie? Heather, Melissa, and Nikki thought she would still go by Katie, while everyone else thought she would go back to Erin.

Thanks for reading the notes from our book club meeting! Hopefully, you have something to add or share about your personal journey with Safe Haven!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Club Shirts!

Hello Fellow Readers!

I bring with me today news of something new and exciting for our club!

Alex has been hard at work creating new and fun shirts for us to wear!

The shirts are $7 a piece and come in your preference of size and will also have your name on the front! If you want a shirt please bring the cash to Alex at our next meeting with your size information and we'll get them ordered ASAP!

Hope this post finds you well and your reading of Safe Haven is coming along! Look for the post containing our discussion questions by the end of the week!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Safe Haven

Hello again fellow readers!

I'm here to share some quick info with you on our book club selection for January: Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks.

"When a mysterious young woman named Katie appears in the small North Carolina town of Southport, her sudden arrival raises questions about her past. Beautiful yet self-effacing, Katie seems determined to avoid forming personal ties until a series of events draws her into two reluctant relationships: one with Alex, a widowed store owner with a kind heart and two young children; and another with her plainspoken single neighbor, Jo. Despite her reservations, Katie slowly begins to let down her guard, putting down roots in the close-knit community and becoming increasingly attached to Alex and his family. But even as Katie begins to fall in love, she struggles with the dark secret that still haunts and terrifies her... a past that set her on a fearful, shattering journey across the country, to the sheltered oasis of Southport. With Jo's empathic and stubborn support,Katie eventually realizes that she must choose between a life of transient safety and one of riskier rewards... and that in the darkest hour, love is the only true safe haven."

Our next meeting will be Friday February 4th to discuss the newest Sparks novel, stay tuned for the list of questions we will discuss when we meet next month!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Call Me Mrs. Miracle Discussion

Hello All!

Last night we had our monthly meeting to discuss our December title-Call Me Mrs. Miracle!

A big thank you goes out to Joanna who took notes during the discussion!

Here are the questions we asked and some of the comments that were made along the way.

1. Do you sympathize with J.R’s unwillingness to leave the tragedy in his past behind, especially at Christmas? Should he have made more of an effort for his son’s sake?

Overall, we thought that J.R. should have moved on, for Jake's sake. His son needed to have something to believe in, have some magic at Christmas, and his father ignoring the holiday basically killed his hope. Mrs. Finley had bought Jake a train set for Christmas, something he desperately wanted, and for 21 years his father hid it in the closet. While we understand the pain and the grief, we thought that as a parent he needed to make more of an effort for his son and and that 21 years was too long to ignore the holiday.

2. Have you ever had the experience of trying to track down the Christmas season’s most popular toy, the gift of the moment? (Remember Cabbage Patch dolls and Tickle Me Elmo?) If so, share that experience and what the gift meant to the child who received it. Do you think Intellytron (if he was a real creation) would appeal to the kids in your life?

Those of us participating in the discussion do not have children, so we have been spared the holiday madness of shopping for that one great toy that every kid wants. (However, Nikki was all too proud to admit that she does have a Tickle Me Elmo...) And we can all agree that Intellytron, or Telly as he is affectionately known in his circle of friends, would be an overwhelming hit with the under 12 set in today's society. (Trust us, we're teachers.)

3. Mrs. Miracle has lots of clever, pithy sayings, which appear at the top of each chapter. Which was your favorite, and why?

Nikki's favorite quote came from chapter 15 "The best vitamin for a Christian is B1!"

4. What do you think of Lindy Lee as a boss? Have you ever had one like her, someone who’s constantly “delegating” and expecting her employees to implement all of her (or his!) ideas? Do you think she’s unreasonable—or ultimately fair?

We were not fans of Lindy Lee. We thought that she was unreasonable, and unfair. In the end she does change her mind and give Holly her bonus as well as turning out to be Gabe's future step-mother, but we thought that the character shift was contrived as well as a little unbelievable. Though, thankfully, none of us had stories to share about bosses such as her.

5. Looking after Gabe is Holly’s first real experience with a child. Does she do a good job? Does she make any mistakes? What advice would you give her?

We thought Holly did a good job raising Gabe, especially when you consider that it was her first real experience with a child. (Except for that one incident with her ex- Bill and his son. And no one was very fond of Bill.) We didn't find that she made any real mistakes, especially since parenting is all a series of trial and error and figuring it out as you go. Nikki was especially impressed by the "back-up plan" Holly created when she was at the store with Gabe, making sure he had a point to meet her at in case they were separated.

6. Holly’s parents are selfless in their volunteering. Have you or anyone you know done this kind of work? How would you describe the sacrifices—and the rewards?

We did not particularly agree with this statement. We think volunteering and helping those in need is a great thing for those more fortunate to do. However, their family was going through a difficult time and we thought they should have made an effort to be there for Gabe and for Holly as they went through this transition and hardship.

7. There are a lot of meals in this story! What’s the significance of preparing and serving food in Call Me Mrs. Miracle? Does your family have a special Christmas recipe?

I personally did not feel it was necessary to include the recipes while Nikki appreciated them :)

8. What was the most moving moment in this story for you? The funniest? The most romantic?

The overall consensus is that the most moving moment was when Gabe's father was standing at the door on Christmas morning. Nikki was especially thrilled to find that he was the one knocking on the door since she was expecting him to die! We were also so relieved to learn that Mrs. Miracle had given Gabe's robot to him, because we knew Mrs. Miracle would not have sabotaged Holly's Christmas surprise! Lindsey did not think the story was super funny because of how predictable it was. Nikki was especially moved that Holly's brother showed up in fatigues and the word "fatigues" was what ultimately made her cry. Alex was less concerned with the how moving the story was and was more concerned with why they named Mrs. Miracle "Emily" and wanted to know why her name wasn't Alex. (She was also a few more glasses of wine in at this point...)

And that's it for January's meeting! If you've read the book please feel free to comment and share your thoughts, we'd love to hear what you thought as well.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Call Me Mrs. Miracle (January Meeting)

December Book Selection: "Call Me Mrs. Miracle" by Debbie Macomber

Meeting Date: January 7, 2011 @ 7pm (please email me for meeting location-- 2readingbetweenthewines@gmail.com)

The following is the guide we will follow for the discussion at the meeting. I'll take notes and post some of the points that were made or discussed at the meeting. Please feel free to review the questions and post your thoughts on the questions if you will not be attending the meeting.

Discussion Points/Readers Guide Questions:

After a short conversation at our November meeting we decided that it might be a nice idea to choose a Christmas book for our December book to get us or keep us in the spirit of the holiday season.

What did you think of the book overall? Was it a good book? Would you recommend it to someone? Other thoughts or opinions on this title?

1. Do you sympathize with J.R’s unwillingness to leave the tragedy in his past behind, especially at Christmas? Should he have made more of an effort for his son’s sake? What do you think J.R. could have done to help his son view Christmas in a positive perspective?

2. Have you ever had the experience of trying to track down the Christmas season’s most popular toy, the gift of the moment? (Remember Cabbage Patch dolls and Tickle Me Elmo?) If so, share that experience and what the gift meant to the child who received it. Do you think Intellytron (if he was a real creation) would appeal to the kids in your life?

3. Mrs. Miracle has lots of clever, pithy sayings, which appear at the top of each chapter. Which was your favorite, and why?

4. What do you think of Lindy Lee as a boss? Have you ever had one like her, someone who’s constantly “delegating” and expecting her employees to implement all of her (or his!) ideas? Do you think she’s unreasonable—or ultimately fair?

5. Looking after Gabe is Holly’s first real experience with a child. Does she do a good job? Does she make any mistakes? What advice would you give her?

6. Holly’s parents are selfless in their volunteering. Have you or anyone you know done this kind of work? How would you describe the sacrifices—and the rewards?

7. Holly helps her brother while he’s deployed in Afghanistan by taking care of his son. What can we do to support the troops, the individual men and women serving overseas?

8. There are a lot of meals in this story! What’s the significance of preparing and serving food in Call Me Mrs. Miracle? Does your family have a special Christmas recipe?

9. What was the most moving moment in this story for you? The funniest? The most romantic?

10. Debbie attributes the origin of the Mrs. Miracle character to the Biblical quote “Do not forget to entertain strangers . . . for some have entertained angels unaware.” (Hebrews, 13). Do any of the characters in this story suspect there’s something unusual about Mrs. Miracle? Do they realize that she’s played a role in their lives? If you have ever had a brief encounter with someone who had a positive or even life-changing effect on you, share that experience.

Pertinent Links:







This blog is dedicated to the wonderful book club that I am a part of-- Reading Between the Wines.

In addition to being created for my book club girls as a way to keep up with what is going on I hope that this is also a means for others who do not attend our meetings to participate in the conversation.

I will be posting here information on the book we are reading as well as reading guides. After our monthly meetings I will also be posting some of the thoughts and comments we discussed during our meeting.

Look forward to another post soon and Happy Reading!